July 10, 2024
All present except: Kevin Holyfield, Ed Marsalis, John Saulters
Chris Baucum: Looking to have approval to bring the MS Classic for 2025 to MRPC. Still have a lot of planning to do, looking to block in time for range usage and what part of the range they could have. May 15th – May 18th for actual match. May 12th (starting for setup) – May 18th. In town staV would be shooting on Thursday, out of town shooters on Friday/Saturday/Sunday for main match. There’s a concern about parking. They would like range 5 and over with the pavilion for parking. Could drive down range 5 and park on the left side. Range 4 would be field match. Other issue is trash and dumpsters, looking for advice on what to do about that whether hauling something in or using existing dumpsters.
Mr. Sutton states to bring their own dumpster in because there is only two dumpsters. Mr. Wilson states we’re on biweekly dump pickup. Not looking to do the crawfish boil on Saturday evening – let shooters do their thing on Saturday. Split matrix on the match – not necessary for out of town folks to hold two nights in a hotel room. Sunday, they’ll wrap up, clean the range, provide food, and have awards. Mr. Wilson states only issue with parking on range 5 is if we get rain. Suggests they check with racetrack to see if they’ll allow us to park for overage. Mr. Pittman states people would park where the old gate is. Mr. Baucum states they’re looking at worst case scenario for parking. Mr. Wilson asks how many vendors will come and stay. Mr. Baucum states they’re bringing a couple of food trucks in for Saturday, and catered food for Sunday afterwards. Range closed from Range 5 – westward. Motion made for May12th – May 18th, including range 5 – westward. Motion approved.
Related to Steel match in October 2024 – Boy scout Troup is going to handle painting stages. Mr. Baucum would like to know if they can camp out on Friday night? Scout leader should be responsible for them being on scout and supervision. We would need a simple letter stating they wouldn’t hold MRPC accountable for anything. Mr. Causey asks about building a fire. Small fire is allowed if it’s contained. Motion made to let boy scouts camp on Friday night as long as scout leader is present. Motion approved.
Membership update:
6:10pm: Mrs. Shannon states we have a little under 1000 members with 118 new members as of current date. New website and email are expected to be launched end of the week. An email will be sent to members regarding new website and email.
Mr. Lancaster recommends we have a committee of three to execute plans approved by BOD. This would not be a standing committee, but a committee that is designated to certain projects.
Mr. Lancaster states there’s a concern with using the competition trauma kits. Each stage is given a trauma kit and using their kits would mean they did not have enough for every stage. Safety Committee would like dedicated trauma kits available – instead of taking some of the competition trauma kits. Safety Committee would like a total of $1000 approved to use for building two trauma kits, and two storage boxes that can be mounted, one in the breakroom, and one under the pavilion. Mr. Wilson states to let him know if the price goes over $500. Motion approved. Safety committee (Mr. Lancaster) will take care of
trauma kits, storage boxes, and mounting.
Mr. Lancaster explains the proposal for the buzzer/light system for Range 5/Shotgun range. When Range 5 is activated with Buzzer/light system, shotgun range also has a buzzer/light that goes oV and vice versa. How do people on range 5 know that someone is shooting on shotgun range? Shotgun range should have two minutes to unload before members on range 5 go downrange. Motion made to approve buzzer/light system. Mr. Sutton states Wally Construction is the one who did the buzzer/light system on Range 5. Mr. Reno states he can ask the two electricians he knows if they can do that kind of work. Mr. Shannon, Mr. Pittman, and Mr. Reno will be the committee of three. Mr. Shannon will schedule electricians to come out and provide quotes.
6:30pm: Mr. Lancaster goes over shotgun rules and shotgun requirements notated in the agenda. Motion approved to approve as it is right now and modify it as we go.
6:33pm: Mr. Lancaster states we would like the board to build shotgun racks for all types of shotguns. Mr. Reno asks if the remote thrower can be forward of the firing line. Mr. Lancaster states yes. Mr. Lancaster states his biggest concern is the shot staying on the property.
Mr. Lancaster suggests we build the pad to the specifications of other competitions using the NRA sanctioned matches that uses limits. Mr. Pittman will call Bill on the specifications of the pad – will get construction company/individual to install left/right limits.
Motion made for BOD to procure holding portable signs for purpose of closing the range that says the range is closed by RSO. Mr. Lancaster states we don’t currently have a sign that can be put out that’s not due to a competition. Mr. Pittman states when we get the signs made for other ranges, we can get a small one made that folds. Motion approved.
Mr. Pittman states he has a job description for Mr. McCoy. Mr. McCoy states it was discussed on the phone Mr. McCoy’s job description, and what he was responsible for with Mr. Pittman. Mr. McCoy states his responsibility was to enforce the rules. Mr. McCoy states when there’s no one here he punches out. Mr. McCoy states he also punches when it rains.
Mr. McCoy states he has issue with the target stands because he has already bought all the equipment. Mr. McCoy states he doesn’t have an issue with the range taking on the target stands. Mr. McCoy states he would stay on the clock while he makes the target stands. Mr. McCoy states there isn’t anyone currently who wants to purchase target stands. He stopped two new members who did not want a target stand. Mr. McCoy states he will sign the job description. Motion made to buy back inventory for Mr. McCoy for target stands. Motion approved.
Mr. Reno states when he was doing the target, he only calculated the materials. Do we want to make a dollar on the target stands or break even on it? Mr. McCoy states there’s about 5 dollars made on it right now. It’s a service to the members so we’ll continue to break even.
Regarding covers on new ranges – Kevin found someone else to do the covers. Kits come in 10x20, portable garage. Mr. Pittman states he sent a quote that had 4 installed 12x20, 7ft high covers for $6159.92 from Paul Crechale. Mr. McCoy will forward from now on to the secretary. Motion made to move forward with the quote once it’s sent to secretary. Covers will be put on the four new ranges.
Motion made to adjourn. Motion approved.