All present except: Richard Pittman, Kevin Holyfield, Eddie Coleman, John Saulters
6:00pm – Mr. Causey met with Mr. Rankin about the shotgun range. Conclusion is we’re limited because of the design of the shotgun range. Mr. Rankin said he could make do with anything we wanted to do, his concern is he wanted to have a vertical shotgun rack that could be placed up close to firing line. Mr. Causey states we might want to consider building some kind of place to shoot that designates a restriction to the right and left, with a maximum or minimum size shot. It will take a couple more loads of gravel to make sure we have a good place to stand and shoot. Mr. Causey suggests we get it where it’s usable and let things evolve. We’ll have to set some rules (that goes back to safety committee). We’ve got a certain distance to the back property line. Mr. Causey believes we will eventually come up with something better. Mr. Sutton spoke to Bill George and went back to the shotgun range with him. He is going to make up a list of suggestions and submit them to Mr. Pittman. He suggests you build a station to stand in which would limit how far you can swing. Recommends 7 ½ and smaller. Mr. Sutton states we need signage made up and the procedures for shotgun range. Mr. Causey states we need to be overly cautious and overly strict with the rules when we start it. We want to minimize outlay of money on it until we see how it will work. Mr. Rhines asks if we need to consider another part of the range for the shotgun area. Mr. Causey states the easiest thing to do is build a small pad, and provide the rules/signage. Motion made have the shotgun range outlined of what we want to do, give the information to the safety committee, and let them create the rules. Mr. Wilson asks we obtain pictures of shotgun ranges at other ranges so that the safety committee has something to look at it.
Motion approved.
6:10pm – Requests from Joseph Ray: On Fridays, he would like to come out and set up a few stages where competitors can come practice. Mr. Causey states according to rules, you can only shoot a handgun at 10 yards (30 ft). You cannot engage at 25 yds or less with PCC or rimfire. Mr. Causey proposes that we consider this a match. Any official match director that are named in minutes could do this under certain conditions. 1) Must have folding match in progress sign. 2) Match director must be present and must make sure everyone on the range has their safety glasses on. They will only set up on one range. Mr. Reno recommends we schedule this out. Mr. Marsalis states we cannot have them closer than 10 yards for safety reasons. Motion made to let us know explore the idea further with the stipulations in place and give it to the safety committee to put in writing. Motion approved.
6:28pm – Benches/Tables/trash barrels on ranges 2B, 3C, 3D, and skeet range. Need to update the maintenance on existing benches and tables. Mr. Marsalis makes motion we hire a handy man to handle these things. We need one shooting bench and one table for each range in the back (ranges 1,2,3). Mr. Sutton states you can move the benches where you want them, and members are going to move them right back. Do we want to put cover on the new ranges? We need to replace the plywood backer board for the range rules signs. Need to reseed of the grass on new berms. Rye grass is beginning to die out. Mr. Causey states USPSA group would pay half to reseed the bottom part of the ranges. We need Byhalia instead of Bermuda. Mr. Reno states him and Mr. Sutton spent a lot of time reseeding. Motion made we hire someone to come out here and reseed. Motion approved.
Mr. McCoy states we have a new member who can build the gongs (Shannon Moore). Mr. Marsalis states it may be time to invest in the sprinkler system. Mr. Reno states in the pavilion storage room we have 8 brand new big large water filters. Mr. Wilson suggests we either get rid of them or add a filter to supplement the sediment filter. They’re about $25 a piece. Mr. Causey states we could put them on eBay. Mr. Rhines states we could put them on the picnic table and label for “free”. Mr. Reno will sit them out for free.
6:50pm - Mr Rhines states the east building has a coat of mold and bad smell. Mr. Wilson states if we run the air, we will pay for it. Humidifiers require maintenance. Mr. Marsalis recommends we get an AC person to put a humidifier on the AC and run the fan (instead of the AC). Chris Taylor has worked on the AC before. Mr. Sutton can call Chris Taylor to discuss the issue. Motion made to go into executive session to discuss membership data. All non-BOD members were excused. Motion approved.
7:45pm - Meeting Adjourned.