Competition Waiver



(Please Read Carefully)

In exchange for usage of the ranges and facilities of the Magnolia Rifle and Pistol Club located in Florence, Mississippi, I/We agree to the following:

  1. I/We agree to all rules and regulations of Magnolia Rifle and Pistol Club (referred to in this document as MRPC), and in particular the posted rules and warnings, and further agree to any oral or written instructions given by MRPC while on the property of MRPC.
  2. I/We agree and fully understand that there are certain inherent risks in the use of the MRPC property while matches or related activities are being conducted. I/We assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself and minor family members and further release and discharge MRPC, its Officers, Directors, Agents, Match Directors and Match Staff from any and all liability for personal injury arising out of the undersigned's participation in the match or presence on the property of MRPC.
  3. I/We agree to indemnify and hold harmless MRPC and further to defend MRPC from any and all damages, judgements or causes of action and related fees which may arise out of my use of the property of MRPC.
  4. I/We agree that whether I am acting as a participant, competitor, or spectator, I/We am responsible for my own personal safety and well-being while on the property of MRPC.
  5. If disputes arise that are related to this document, then the parties shall negotiate and, if such negotiations do not result in a conclusion, then the matter shall be resolved by arbitration/mediation.
  6. I/We agree that I/We have reviewed this document and agree with its contents and that I/We have not been forced to execute this document. If under 18 years of age, must be signed by a parent.

I/We have read and understand this waiver and agree to be bound by its terms at all times while on the property of the Magnolia Rifle and Pistol Club.

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