
Our Chief Range Safety Officer is Jacob Lancaster.


NO .50BMG or larger on any range

NO Tracer – incendiary ammunition or exploding targets on any range

NO shooting “trash” targets (glass/plastic bottles, cans, stoves, propane bottles, etc)
  1. YOU MUST Wear your Range Usage Badge on an outer garment
  2. Do not give the gate combination or your access badge to anyone
  3. No illegal drugs / alcoholic beverages on range complex
  4. Range Hours - 7am to time posted at main gate and pavilion
  5. Responsible for action(s) of guest(s) and/or family members
  6. Promptly obey any instructions/directions given by a Range Usage & Safety Officer (RUSO)
  7. Minors under the age of 18 must have DIRECT supervision while engaged in a shooting activity / You may not shoot while minor is shooting
  8. Ear & Eye Protection is Required
  9. NO Firing of .50BMG, tracer, or incendiary rounds on any range
  10. Skeet/Clay Target throwers are not allowed at this time. Target Height I ALL Bullets must impact the impact berm (Not wing berms)
  11. NO handling of Firearms except on Firing Line
  12. NO Shooting personal steel targets with handgun closer than 10yrds I PCC & .22LR Rifles 25yds I Centerfire rifle 200yrds
  13. NO Shooting handgun plate racks with magnum or bottle neck rounds
  14. NO Targets Closer than 1 00yrds on Range #5 and 50 yards on Range #6
  15. May only load firearms while on firing line
  16. May only move firearms to firing line or from firing line during a HOT status
  17. Firearms are to be unloaded when coming into the Range Complex and when leaving the Range Complex
  18. NEVER muzzle sweep anyone at anytime
  19. NEVER TOUCH a firearm while someone is downrange or during a COLD Range period
  20. Make sure everyone acknowledges the Downrange and Cold commands before proceeding downrange
  21. Make sure everyone acknowledges the HOT command before resuming firing
  22. Make an attempt to correct any unsafe act and/or practice observed
  23. Pick-up your litter to include shotgun hulls
  24. Emergencies: Call 911, assist Injured, have gate unlocked, stay until emergency services arrive


This range is restricted to handgun use only
Permitted: Blackpowder, Rimfire, or Centerfire Handgun
Not Permitted: Full-Autos, simulated auto, or Long guns/carbines/shotguns even if chambered for a pistol caliber, no personal steel targets , drawing from a holster is prohibited.

When the range is in hot status, no one is allowed to forward of the firing line. When the range is in hot status, the firearms must be at or forward of the firing line.
You may shoot clay birds off the impact berms
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms

B, C

This range is restricted to handgun use only
Permitted: Any Blackpowder, Rimfire, or Centerfire Handgun
Not Permitted: Full-Autos, simulated auto, or Long guns/carbines/shotguns even if chambered for a pistol caliber, no personal steel targets, drawing from a holster is prohibited

You may shoot clay birds off the impact berms
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms

A, B, C

Permitted: All type firearms permitted - Shotguns are permitted IF shooting stationary targets
Not Permitted: Full-Autos or simulated auto

You may shoot clay birds off the impact berms
No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms
Do NOT drive onto the grass area

A, B, C, D

Permitted: All type firearms permitted - Shotguns are permitted IF shooting stationary targets Full Auto Fire allowed provided you have an FA Agreement issued by the Club

You may shoot clay birds off the impact berms No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms
Do NOT drive onto the grass area
Target stands must be placed at foot of impact berms.
Permitted: Blackpowder - Centerfire and Rimfire Rifle - Shotgun Permitted IF shooting stationary targets using the 50yrd berm,
Not Permitted: NO Handgun , Full-Auto, or simulated auto

No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range
You may shoot clay birds off the impact berms
Must place target stands up against impact berms
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms
Permitted: Blackpowder, Centerfire Longgun, Rimfire Rifle/Carbine, Silhouette Handgun
Not Permitted: NO Handguns (other than silhouette/hunting), full or simulated auto, or Shotguns
Targets are to be placed no closer than 100 yards

No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range
Steel targets for centerfire rifle/carbine can be set no closer than 200 yards
You may shoot clay birds off the impact berms
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms
Targets may be placed from 50 to 100 Yards but not closer than 50 yards from the firing line.
Permitted: Blackpowder, Centerfire, Rimfire Rifle/Carbine Permitted
Shotguns are permitted IF shooting stationary target
Not Permitted: Full-Autos, simulated auto, or Handguns

No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range
No Targets set closer than 50 yards
You may shoot clay birds off the impact berm
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berm
Permitted: All type firearms permitted
Shotguns are permitted IF shooting stationary target Not Permitted: Full-Autos or simulated auto

No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range
You may shoot clay birds off the impact berm
All bullets must impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms
Permitted: All type firearms permitted
Shotguns are permitted IF shooting stationary targets
Not Permitted: NO Full-Autos or simulated auto, NO shooting before the left limit berm

You may shoot clay birds off the impact berm
No clay bird or skeet throwers on this range
All bullets must impact the impact berm
Do NOT shoot into the wing berms
Do NOT drive onto the grass area
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